Monday, February 8, 2010

Success and Happiness

For the past week I've been debating inside my head about success and happiness. I believe that these two factors go hand-in-hand with each other. I've met many great people and I still do (everyday). I love how everyone can be the same and have similar interest, but what truly makes them different is their story. Every individual has their own story that make them different and unique from the rest.

On Monday I decided to change my life. --Of course I was nervous and scared-- but I knew it was the right thing to do. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I'm ready for this new life of mine and where it takes me. I'm very happy with my decision and I know it's something that I will not regret.

I met a lady at work and she told me that I was better off doing what I love if I wanted to be successful. Success is not how much money one has in the end. True success means being happy in the end because money can't buy happiness (and if it does it's only short-term happiness). If you're not happy at the end of your life then you've never been successful.

I also stole this quote from a myspace friend Nina "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Honestly, this quote says it all. It's true that you'll end up regretting the things you never did in life. I'm glad I'm on the right path and because I love what I do I'll never work a day in my life =)

Goodnight and thanks for reading.


  1. Well said. And that quote truly does say it all.
    Although it has been such a short time that I've known you...I have to say that I am really proud of you for having the courage to go for what you feel will make you happiest. I wish I had that same courage.

    Good luck! =D

    Love, Paku

  2. You changed your major? OMG..I'm so happy for you. You'll do great, and I will always love your art. :) ok ok ok..I lied. Melissa told me. kekeke..I would have never guess it, anyways. New York or L.A have some good school for fashion and design. So, I hope to see you at the top. :D:D:D
