Monday, February 15, 2010

Bedtime Babblings

Some people think they know who you are just because they once knew you. Some people think they know you because you are still friends. Some people think they know you because you talk to them here and there. My biggest goal in life is happiness. My priorities are set and I am determined. For you haters and stalker, please keep following me and maybe you'll learn a lesson or two on how to reach your happiness. Don't say you know me because I'm the only person who knows me best. I'm not a quitter, so don't go running your mouth when you don't know what I'm after.

*just ranting-- thanks for reading. Goodnight.


  1. You tell them! =) Happiness is first on my priorities as well!

    I'm so glad I stumbled onto your blog, I love make-up!
